Saturday, September 29, 2012


An ex Ambassador to Venezuela has put forth a plan for intervention in Venezuela when Hugo Chavez wins (which he will)  up to and including military action..

We might not like Hugo but the people of Venezuela do and it is their choice we should honor.. We won't because we never do.. I just ask you one simple question name why leader that we installed one way or another that has been successful..JUst one

We have pissed off the whole middle east with our meddling and now we are working on South America (again) In the 80's and 90's  we destroyed most of the economies down there with our free market crap , when the IMF steps in you know a countries fate has been set by the powers that be..The hell of it is they are generally successful in their endeavors. Chili is the best example of their Weapons of Mass Economic Destruction.. For a primer on how , what and who did it.. read Economic Hit Men.  

Milton Friedman and his Chicago School bunch went country to country wrecking havoc with their economies and their way of life.. I suggest you read up on what they did down there and then look at what has happened here the last 32 years.. Yep ,  same crap.  All under the tent Of Free Markets will enrich everybody (they just never told us what they meant by everybody.) 

Now it is our turn , if you look at South America you will see the model that  is being played out in the EU and here..Same game , same results... Welcome to Latin America circ 1980.

Hugely in debt, million of people without  work, without food, without jobs and a lot without hope.. While they have us at each others throats over matters that mostly should be private..  Meanwhile having convinced us that we did it personally and now we must pay,, while the real culprits sit on their yachts , or in their fancy penthouses while the middle class is destroyed and the rich become super rich..

Am I picking on the rich , you bet  your sweet ass I am and throw in the mega corporations too...They have (and use to exercise) a duty in sharing the load of infrastructure and defense.  Instead they fiddle with economic models that do nothing for the country ,ship jobs, and factories overseas and leave us a crumbling nation.  Thanks a lot. Do I hold you responsible? Hell yes  I do , If corporations are people then they should put their shoulders to the grindstone like we have to.. 

We set here at election time and watch politicians deliberately  set out to sabotage the vote in many devious and in some cases illegal operations and have the balls to stand up and brag that passing this law will guarantee a Romney win in PA.  Openly in other states they attempt other forms of retarding the vote. That's the only way they could possibly win with the field of loosers they put up this cycle.  In fact it's documented knowledge they stole both elections that put Bush Jr. in the White House.. 

While in many of their mansions they sit and brag and gloat that hoard of quadrillion dollars can buy any election in the country.  Hell they don't even have to sneak around any more the courts have made it all legal.. 

I guess there is little doubt who I don't want to win this election.. I really don't see how the right could vote for a guy that has been on every side of every issue.. There must be some redeeming quality they see that I don't//And no not being Barack is not a quality.. 


  1. if you like dictatorship lies and deception
    go ahead and give him another four years,but
    remember what the cost is---more hugh deficets,
    higher unemployment welfare foodstamps thru
    the roof---and his answer is borrow more money
    and throw it on the fire. this problem can be
    fixed now with controle and less government i.e.
    stupid regulations that ran our business's out.
    better enjoy that greesy feeling cause that's
    where were headed---oh well blame bush and the
    rich. do you know there is just as many rich
    dem's as there are repb's---but i guess they
    are exempt. t.y.g.a.

  2. I don't think I have ever identified the rich according to doubt there are some of both and there is no doubt that they all are not pulling their weight.

    You certainly must jest, dictator ship,, what the hell was Bush Jr. .. He ignored warning about 911 and then delayed two month before he did a thing in retaliation.. the Taliban offered up BinLaden if we would try him in a non American court and we wouldn't talk about it..So we attacked Iraq (because they had nukes) which they did not..

    So you want put a party in power who will not even tell you what their economic plan is but we all know it's Austerity the same as the EU is suffering through right now .. That is a poorly concealed bailout of banks the real culprits of this depression.

    The only way your side will win is by cheating and their is lots of evidence of that.. which Acorn look like a girl scout operation.
