Thursday, July 19, 2012


The financial markets of today are just that, mythical places where person, places and things are not real.. A market where prices are rigged by consortiums of  crooks who fix prices to serve preplaced derivative trades to Fast Track Trading companies who essentially manipulate the markets through the speed of their computers.. The small guy has no chance in a market like this and as we find out in this market the large financial institutions (like your mutual fund company) have to resort to places such as dark pools, and ultra dark pools to be able to make the trades they want ..

One might ask how do mutual fund companies given there team or researchers make investment decisions  in markets that are totally rigged.  When thinking on this I see folks in dark rooms wearing pointed hats, some with bones in their noses , throwing everything from dice to bones, some with fancy card decks, some just sitting puffing on fat cigarette looking things, crying out occasionally buy this, or sell that.. Not a comforting site when you are depending on your IRA for retirement..

I always have been a chartist when it comes to market speculation.. Mostly buying a conservative portfolio of mutual funds that have shown their wizard rooms are working pretty well for now.. don't marry them their luck could change tomorrow and which time you bail and find a better wizard room.
Or just go to Vegas , you have a better chance of winning..



  1. Over the long haul, for every dollar you spend in Vegas, you get 92 cents back. It probably is LESS risky than the market nowadays.

  2. Over the long haul, for every dollar you spend in Vegas, you get 92 cents back. It probably is LESS risky than the market nowadays.
