Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Matt Taibbi explains Equity Investors (which include Mitt) and I know some will say well hell it's just business and business's job is to make money for it's investors... Somewhere (at least in the old days) people , their lives and good fortune were apart of corporate concerns and the workers shared in the good fortune of the company.   All that has gone away in the last few decades and people have become a means to an end.. Get rid of people and you increase the end..

So as a result of the destruction of our middle class and our industrial base we are left with what?  Waiters, bartenders, and care givers and Venture Vultures and Fast Track Traders... Building nothing and destroying much...

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone:

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1 comment:

  1. It amazes me that millions of (formerly) middle class people will vote for Mitt "the Bully" Romney in November. If they don't know this about him, they should.
    ~ Heidi S.
