That the choice I see after watching both conventions, looking at both platforms and actually knowing damn little about what either will do.. So I am down to guts and intuition.
So a quick look at Romney/Ryan bring a list of things he will do to hurt folks like me...
1. They will destroy Medicare and maybe even more importantly Medicaid a program that most seniors rely on for their long term care.
2. They will turn Social Security into private accounts... My opinion is this will cost any senior who opts out of regular SS will have a very unsecure future if they try to play the market..One must remember that all markets are controlled at least 80% by Fast Track Traders and Commodity Hedge funds.
3. They want to add 100,000 troops to the military. At a time when the military is into a giant restructuring that trends more to special forces (a much smaller demand for troops ) than a regualr army .. The focus is on unmanned planes, ships, and in some cases the fighting man himself.
4.Huge tax cuts (guess who for) yep the rich
5. Their deficit reduction plan will hit all social service programs , including education , FEMA,FDA, and on and on, Any program that helps us ordinary dude will be savaged..
6. Theirs more but much of it is implied not clearly pointed out
My conclusion is I would vote for the Devil before voting for these hucksters.
Now the PART FOR CROWD.. Obama//Biden
1.They claim to want to protect all the social programs mentioned above while admitting they will some how change them (not defined)
2.They will increase taxes on the rich and corporations.(something long needed)
3.Their deficit reduction plan will be less severe than the republicans, just how much do remains an unknown..
4. They will not privatize Medicare, Medicare or Social Security..
5. They will keep food stamps and other programs to support the down and outers.
6.They will promote alternate energy production which will create jobs
7.They will keep the Consumer Protection Bureau a much needed entity to slap the lending institutions down when they cheat us.. The republicans haven't said but at best it would be less strong than now..
So just give these lists and add for me at least one important point..
I agree.