Sunday, September 2, 2012


This list of Obama campaign promises outlines why his 08 supporters are not as enthusiastic this time around.   Myself included , I do realize that with virtually no republican support from the very beginning he still managed to get some things done...

I am afraid that in his second term the results will be about the same.  Unless as I think events of the time will bring about more success in some areas.. The republicans may not be so unified in defeating everything he brings forward as 2016 is a start over for both parties as Biden will probably not be a candidate.

I think we have seen the beginning roster for 16 on the republican side with the speakers at the republican convention.. Christie, Rubio, Walker, and perhaps Ryan as well.. If you consider economic times will even be worse than now I doubt that there will be much more call of running an austerity program which all mentioned would promote..

The fact that in the republican primary the only sane guy on stage was Huntsman and he got zero traction shows you what to expect from here.

Here's a few more lists from Polito
The Obama meter
The Medicare meter
Politician promises both sides

1 comment:

  1. We're projecting bad times out to 2016 now? And I was hoping for change!
