In his State of the Union Speech the president said the economy was good and all those that said it isn't is selling fiction. Well log me into to that bunch because the economy isn't well and it isn't just the US that is hurting it's the whole world and the scary part of that is that often these kinds of financial times brings on a major war.
Hence as I have noted on this blog recently that our neocons have been beating the war drums egging us on to a confrontation with Russia. Keep in mind we haven't won a war since WW2 and Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan didn't have armies as capable as the Russian forces today. Most experts that I can find say we cannot win a land war with Russia and from our poor performance against lite weights as the three states mentioned. That's why they start talking a limited nuclear war, trust me there is no such thing as a limited war. If the button was ever pushed and weapons actually launched what is you best guess as to the Russian response.
So Mr. President, how can our economy be strong when things like the Baltic shipping index is at or near all time lows, this measures the shipping volume from all producing nations. Container ships to deal with the decreased volume have cut their transit speeds form 13 1/2 knots to 9 knows to save fuel.
Out put from China is way down and they are battling like mad to keep the bottom from falling out of their economy. Economies of developing nations are tanking too do to the depressed commodity market from which a lot of their incomes originate.
The fact that most of our economic numbers are fiction it's easy for the president to say all is well and flips a few false charts up to make his points. Anybody who has studied the problem knows that the numbers used by most economist are just made up numbers created by jingling the formulas to give them the numbers they want.
Sitting here watching the Dow bounce around a -500 and down 2000 points from the top a 12% drop the question on all our minds is this THE BIG ONE. My guess that it is. If your in the market , get out where to put you money is the question of they day>
I want a President who tells me to buckle my safety belt I am in for a bumpy ride when the economy looks like this. And one who talks about how we will get through it. No really I'm not thirsty. Don't pass the Coolaide. ~ Heidi