Sunday, April 19, 2015


It would appear the US is itching to get into a war, just about any war will do , but we have to have one.  Pick your poison,Iran, Iraq (again), Ukraine, China , Russia, Syria, Libya, Yemen , none of which can be waged without boots on the ground.

I urge you to be careful to verify the data you are being fed by the MSM because most of the so called news is closer to propaganda .  Here is an example of the truth along of the lies that were made up from it.  MORE PROOF and YET MORE PROOF.  Check some of the links in these document for the proof we are being lied to again.

It's Not Hockey were Playing against Russia.  Playing, I'm hoping is the operational word for our actions of the past two years.  For if it is for real we are running down a path that leads over a cliff of doom.

Perhaps we think we are playing chess, if so we are getting our asses handed to us by the Russians and the Chinese.  Our actions in Ukraine have caused an alliance of some of the next biggest powers in that part of the world.  The formation of a new financial network that rivals the IMF and World Band that nations flew to join besides the US trying to discourage them.  Even Our staunchest Allie Great Britain joined the network.  Huge trade agreements, transportation alliances, oil contracts all set up outside the influence of the dollar.

Though Ukraine news of late has been scarce you should know we have been busy under the sheets suckering other nations to send troops to (train) the Ukraine troops for another battle.  We have sent troops (900) to train and perhaps fight alongside the Ukraine's in the next attack.  These same outfits we are assisting are neo nazi's who have executed some leaders of the revolt and issued a warning to all who are anti Ukraine to leave the country in 72 hours or face death.  These are the folks we are backing , are our leaders going nuts?

We have been re-positioning troops and heavy weapons closer to the Russian border in a direct provocation of the Russian Bear.  Putting missile batteries within 10 minutes of Moscow.  All this to try to get a direct Russian reaction and to be blamed for WW3.  So far Putin has played his cards well while nervously watching  the strutting of our elected officials and those who hope to become our president in 2016.  A most dangerous time to be playing games of chicken with country that will fight if need be.  The Russians have proven more than once they will defend their homeland to the last man standing.  Is this a battle we really want to fight?

If you get just one thing out of this post I hope it will be, that from here on out you check all these pieces edging us to a war against someone.  On the front burner today the Ukraine and Iran are big ticket items.  The republican congress is itching to attack Iran and destroy the nuclear program they say is moments away from building a bomb.  There is no data to indicate they are trying to build a bomb..Just remember the Iraq WMD's that were not there but cost up 5000 dead troops and a trillion  or two  dollars to end up withdrawing with our tail between our legs.  Take a good look at conditons on the ground throughout the Middle East and realize that all the conflict there was cause by our involvement in the region.

Realize too that the Shift to Asia is just another Neocon pipe dream whose plan to control the resources in the Pacific will never come to pass. It's time to come home and fix all that needs fixing here.  Let the Muslim factions over there have it out , they will anyway no matter what we do.  Don't waste any more lives or resources in a battle we do not understand...Bring the troops home now and leave them home.


  1. "It's time to come home and fix all that needs fixing here. Let the Muslim factions over there have it out , they will anyway no matter what we do. Don't waste any more lives or resources in a battle we do not understand...Bring the troops home now and leave them home."


    Imagine all those same young military women and men fixing our broken infrastructure. Managing (not cutting down) our public lands, building tiny houses for homeless people. More $ and support for public schools (for teachers, not administration) Same funds - different projects. Nice day out to dream about what a different country this would be.


  2. The American people are at war ... with their own government. And the government is winning.
