Now I will admit if you don't want to believe in man made climate change ,sometimes you to take have to take the blinders off and look around you. Strange things are happening in the oceans, coral reefs are dying, hard shelled critters are in trouble , strange die offs of star fish and on and on.
On top of the above environmental changes we have man's interference with Mother's Natures plan. We are filling the oceans with miles and miles of our plastic wastes. At the same time we have over fished the oceans to the point that 90% of most species are gone. While methods of fish harvest have changed in favor of man the number of boats chasing a decreasing number of fish the absence of which will also have effects on ocean health.
Now I know the deniers out there (mostly republicans) don't believe in man's contribution to the destruction of the planet based on god knows what. Some believe they hold those beliefs because God controls what happens and he'll be coming soon so it doesn't matter if we destroy the earth. Giving them their beliefs shouldn't keep one from acknowledging that the change is happening and we can argue who is to blame. As long as we do what we can to stop the change..
We're in a world of hurt, that's for certain.