Wednesday, September 10, 2014


The downplayed reason of the Pivot is to prepare for a war with China.  Oh now there is a good idea.

To grease the way for this final confrontation we are poking sticks at the Russian bear by leading Ukraine into a confrontation with Russia as a way to get our anti missile defense closer to the Russian border.   Brilliant thinking from the Neocons in thinking they can actually put up a system that gives you first strike capability.  Insane shit at best. If the big red button was pushed and your guess on how many of their missiles would achieve launch , it would be too late to say oops.  Every military decision the neocons have launched in the last 40 years has ended up a disaster.

If they are successful in this latest attempt of world domination it could very well be the end  of earth .


  1. Not only has the last 40 years of military decisions ended in disaster, they have upped the insanity. There is no longer any dialog with the citizens or Congress. The private military corporations like Cheney's Haliburton get their cronies in the government to approve using the U.S. people's money to kill non-white women walking to the market and then have the corporate owned media tell us how they did it to keep us safe. .

    My guess is the military industry and the privately owned Federal Reserve want a war with Russia because Russia is leading the way unraveling the petrol-dollar. Could you explain why they want a war with China besides the obvious billions to be made by the military industry?

  2. My best guess is they are preparing for China as the final step in controlling world the diminishing resources. To do that they need to get Russia out of the way. It would appear that we are behind in thinking once again..Russia and the Bric bunch will make it difficult to achieve our goals.

  3. No "we" here. They are doing it without the people's input.
    Is it that they think China with its huge population to feed and number of soldiers available will make it a major threat for the dwindling resources?

  4. They've been outplayed by Putin and ISIS. We're witnessing the end of the empire.
