As any good reader of my blogs it is your duty to call a post bullshit and research it on your own. On 21 July I created a post stating that the whole gig was a US scheme to blame Russia for the shootdown and therefore get NATO nations to join a boycott of Russian business. That didn't work out to good as news started filtering in from non us sources proving that it wasn't Russia and it wasn't pro Russian rebels but was actually shot down by Ukraine forces.
So having failed to pull that off over the weekend a State dept official Tweeted that he had Google Earth images showing Russian artillery was shooting into Ukraine, once again another false flag operation.
Early research showed the whole gig was a US plot to stir the pot and put Russia on the defense . Russia being a primary supplier of Natural gas to all of Europe.. An example they supply 40% of Germany's gas. There are no alternate supplies to replace their gas so any sanctions we float will not be successful.
Although not mentioned anywhere in relation to the Ukraine mess I am convinced the driving forces behind this move are the fear that the BRIC agreements essentials bypassing the dollar in trade between these four countries with others considering joining has the US shitting in their pants. Once the dollar ceases to be the primary trade currency we loose control of the world. This has been predicted for a long time and perhaps this is the beginning of the end of the dollar dominance .
Day by day more evidence surfaces that this whole boondoggle is of US design. So stay focused and stay ahead of the propaganda.
"Although not mentioned anywhere in relation to the Ukraine mess I am convinced the driving forces behind this move are the fear that the BRIC agreements essentials bypassing the dollar in trade between these four countries with others considering joining has the US shitting in their pants."
ReplyDeleteExactly what I thought and this is the only place I have seen that mentioned.
The BRIC nations are starting to trade in gold and their own currency which we know is death for the US petrodollar. Politically it makes sense that the US government would try to break those alliances.
"...stay ahead of the propaganda" very good advice.