First we hear of Starfish mass dying off and now this article saying the Pacific ocean floor has a 98% covering of dead things. The coverage just a few years back was 1% , now something is killing off the ocean critters. Change started about the time Fukushima blew up. Does this mean that the meltdown caused this? I guess you have little true information to fall back on that you can count on as real..Scientists of all sorts give opinions on the scope of the problem and you can pick your favorite.
While reports vary widely on the contamination levels off our coast are low and barely above normal. But you can't help but question the truth of any of this when you see stories like the one linked here. A sudden die off of such a wide range of sea creatures should cause lots of folks digging into the cause.. If it is radiation causing this we are in bad trouble, as the leaks from Japan continue today at what levels none can be sure as the reliability of the data being released is questionable..
THEN THERE IS THIS Seems like the above story is another made up piece that makes trying to understand the problems caused by the meltdown impossible. Real information is scrambled by those trying to make their point , data be damned. So one has to be very careful in selecting their information sources..
There was a satirical report of a giant mutant squid yesterday that a bunch of people fell for. Strange days.