Thursday, November 22, 2012


Vulture Capitalist kill another company   From Wonder Bread to Twinkies to Hostess Ding Dongs are being killed by brutal management tactics bent on destroying the union or the company , the employees have a choice take another monster wage and benefit cut or watch the gates get locked and the company ends.  

The bakers 10 years ago took a wage cut from 48K to 34K , lost their pension fund and benefit package reduction.. Now they are back again offering cuts to 25k .  So in 10 years they are being asked to eat a 50% pay cut.

The sad thing about this story is the Union has basically sold them out each time and now it looks like the curtain is going to close on products that have been around almost as long as  I have.. The intention is to sell off the parts of the company they can and just walk away from the rest.

One more glaring example how Vulture Capitalists are destroying our country.. and it seems the unions may be on the wrong side of the story..

The link is to the World Socialist Party but don't let that throw you,. the story is correct and can be verified if you doubt the story..

Their fix a worker revolution may be the only answer.. I would suggest my style of revolution , GO SIT ON YOUR LAWN , WITH RIGHT ARM RAISED AND YOU MIDDLE FINGER EXTENDED AND WAIT FOR THEM TO ASK WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO GET YOU TO RETURN TO WORK... It wouldn't take long , maybe only a week...

1 comment:

  1. What a good explanation of the sad state of affairs we are in.

